Purpose of the Task Force

Who We Are

The Transition Task Force is a group of seven people with one facilitator who are responsible for appointing a one-year Interim Board and Process Team for Shambhala.

In brief, our task is two-fold:

  1. To Select and Appoint an Interim Board to serve for 1 year. The Interim Board will assume all legal and fiduciary responsibilities previously held by the Kalapa Council for Shambhala USA and Shambhala Canada. Shambhala Europe has a different legal structure, and it is currently in transition from the previous governance structure.
  2. To Select and Appoint a Process Team. Working in tandem with the Interim Board, the Process Team will work with the community to develop an appropriate and healthy governance structure for Shambhala world-wide.

The selection process will include input and recommendations received from the community.

What We Are Not:

  • We are not a board.
  • We are not a replacement group for the Kalapa Council.
  • We are not a leadership group.
  • We are not responsible for governance.
  • We are not responsible for developing a new governance structure.

What We Will Do:

The Task Force has a six-week appointment. During this time, we will:

  • Develop methods for receiving and evaluating community-wide input and recommendations for Interim Board and Process Team members.
  • Meet at least once a week as a group.
  • Join in sub-committee meetings and work throughout the week.
  • Provide a forum or forums for communication and input.
  • Send weekly updates to the community and post our weekly meeting minutes.
  • Appoint members of a one-year Interim Board.
  • Appoint Process Team members

We have a short time to accomplish our tasks. We want the outcomes to match the best aspirations of the community. Your patience, support, voices, and input will be appreciated. You can contact us at transitiontaskforce@shambhala.org, or through the contact form on on this website.

We are humbled and honored to help Shambhala begin to move forward toward healing and transformation.


Ani Pema Chödrön, Achar
Arawana Hayashi, Acharya
Charlene Leung, Acharya
Suzann Duquette, Acharya
Andrew Sacamano, Kasung Shastri
Sharon Owyang, Regional Director
Katrin Stelzel, Europe
Basia Solarz (facilitator)