3 minute read

Please note - we make edited notes of our conversations public in the interest of transparency. These notes reflect the conversations and concerns of the TTF, but are not our final positions or decisions. All decisions taken by the task force will be published in our letters to the community.

Aug 1, 2018, 1-2:30pm Halifax Time

Present (on Zoom): Debbie Coats, Suzann Duquette, Arawana Hayashi, Charlene Leung, Sharon Owyang, Andrew Sacamano, Karin Stelzel, Basia Solarz (Facilitator)

Purpose of 1st call: make sure everyone on same page with regard to the TTF role,responsibilities, timeline

Action items:

  • Get meeting notes out to TTF
  • Everyone to send additional questions for the Kalapa Council to subteam, who will meet with them to get more details about what we’re asking people to take on.
  • Reach out to Ashley DInges for information about an email for the group, and publishing our letters
  • A subteam was created to identify to themes/topics for us to address going forward in meetings
  • A subteam will draft our first letter to the community.
  • A subteam will help prepare agenda for next meeting
  • Issue weekly report/notes/minutes to community after each meeting
  • Each TTF meeting to have an agenda discussing specific topics/themes

Notes from the discussion:

Detail questions for the Kalapa Council:

  • What exactly is their intent for the IB, its responsibilities, required minimum number, etc.
  • Clarify that the IB will not be responsible for what happened prior to their being seated.
  • Are there requirements that IB members also be members of Shambhala?
  • How and when can we get a full picture of the financial situation of Shambhala so we can tell the IB what to expect?

Detail questions for ourselves:

  • Should we consult a lawyer to get a legal understanding of what the board is required to do?

Larger questions for TTF:

1) How do we relate to the community during this process of picking IB and PG?

  • Introductory Letter to Community
  • Weekly report sent to community (meeting minutes/bullet points) after each meeting
  • How to get input from the community:
    • Ashley Dinges/KM help set up email address for TTF where we can receive recommendations
    • How else might we receive nominations for who might be on IB and PG?
    • Should TTF have a few “community meetings” via Zoom?
    • Consider asking for specific forms of input rather than anything-goes (e.g. centers/groups can have meetings and submit recommendations of names)
    • Consider asking for recommendations for people who actually have experience/competency implementing organizational/structural change, and not just those who’ve read about it.

2) Points to make in initial letter:

  • Make clear i) TTF is not IB; ii) TTF’s job is to choose people (both IB and PG) who will begin the (long) process of creating a new organizational structure.

3) Transparency

  • Transparency is a priority.
  • TTF discussed recording meetings and making them available to community; but decided too easy/potentially harmful for things to be taken out of context, it would hinder frank discussion of candidates, and might have other unintended consequences.  So a commitment to make detailed notes available.

Questions for next meeting or before:

  • How interim European board/process group was picked, who are its members, and how is it working?

The meeting adjourned at 2:30p Halifax